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Billing FAQ

EICS accepts most Commercial Insurances, Medicaid, and Tricare.  It is important to know your insurance coverage prior to coming to the clinic to avoid any confusion on the costs of services.

If you have questions about your bill, you can speak with a Billing Specialist by calling (270) 287-0656 (Monday - Friday; 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. CST). 

If you have questions about your bill, you can speak with a Billing Specialist listed below.

Kimberly Samouilidis, Billing Specialist

Kimberly Samouilidis

Billing Manager

Sherry Hodge, Billing Specialist

Sherry Hodge
Billing Specialist

How long does it take to be billed?

The time it takes to receive a bill can be dependent on your insurance company.  Your insurance company will determine if you are financially responsible for any portion of services rendered based on your deductible and coverage.  You will receive an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) from your insurance company that will inform you of any claims submitted, how much is covered, and how much you will owe.  Once your insurance company has processed the claim, you will receive a bill.

How can I ensure I have an idea about what services with EICS might cost?

1. Confirm with your insurance company that EICS is in network provider prior to coming for services.

2. Double check your plan to find out what is and what is not covered and whether your services require an authorization.

3. Confirm the copay amount for your visit, as well as any unmet deductible amount.

4. Be aware of your coinsurance and out-of-pocket maximum.

How do I pay my bill?

1. You can connect with the Patient Portal to make a payment.

2. You can call into the clinic and make a payment by debit/credit card.

3. You can mail a check or money order to the Leitchfield clinic.

4. You can also pay your bill with the front office when you bring your client in for services.

What will I owe at the time of my visit?

Co-pays are due at time of service, per your insurance plan.  EICS policy is that all new evaluations for those that have commercial insurance will owe $100 at the time of the evaluation. If you have any outstanding balances, you may be asked to pay your balance or make payment arrangements. 

Insurance lingo is difficult to understand.  How do I know the difference?

Please watch the video below to learn more about what the different verbage in your insurance plan means.

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